Monday, November 17, 2008

Well Curt, since I don't think anyone reads this except you and maybe Jake I feel free to write a silly, meaningless post. I don't have any profound thought to hit you with, but I will say that I often do get blog-worthy thoughts, I just never follow through with them on paper (or I guess cyberspace.) My hope is that as you keep bugging me (ahem) to blog my thoughts, throught constant pressure, I'll begin to tame my chaotic mental pursuits and start reining in all these wild ideas bouncing around inside my brain. I think much of the lack of my mental discipline stems from my meager commitment to meditation. I often enjoy wonderful times of reflection and ponderance as I search and seek for the deeper treasures of God's word, yet I think these times are too irregular and stunted to really reap the full benefits. So my goals are thus: Spend more regular and engaging time in meditation on God's word, and secondly to blog or share my thoughts/reflections with you guys for the purpose of refinement and (hopefully) mutual, theological edification. So keep buggin me! I need accountability. We can add that to our weekly questionaire.

And for both of you who will ever read this post, thank you! And please, leave a comment just so I know I'm not talking to myself.

Hey Curt, I love and appreciate you bro. Jesus has so blessed me to have such a friend as you! And Jake too. You guys are great! Curt, your turn bro! I'll be waiting, watching and wanting a blog from you very soon!